The Trans-Canyon Pipeline was built in the late 1960’s and supplies all of Grand Canyon National Park’s drinking water. From its source at Roaring Springs on the North Rim, water travels 15 miles through an aging pipeline to reach the South Rim of the park. Over the past decade the pipeline has suffered numerous leaks, fissures, and breaks. Full replacement of the TCP is currently estimated at around $150 million. “Guaranteed water to the South Rim is in peril as long as we have the existing pipeline and infrastructure in place. If we don’t have that, then everybody goes home.” Grand Canyon National Park Superintendent, Dave Uberuaga.

Pipeline on the Precipice – Grand Canyon in Depth Episode 06
- Post author:John Luckow
- Post published:August 31, 2021
- Post category:Civil Engineering / Control Survey / GPS / Grand Canyon / Professional / Survey Projects / Topographic Mapping
- Post comments:0 Comments
Tags: #grandcanyon, #survey #surveying #surveyor #surveylife #surveys #landsurveying #landsurveyor #surveyors